The next meeting of the Chicago Society for Space Studies will be a joint online meeting of the Chicago Society for Space Studies and the Huntsville Alabama L5 (HAL5) Society (, a fellow chapter of the National Space Society. The meeting will be held Thursday July 9, 2020 and will begin at 7:00PM CDT.
The program for this event will be Planet Earth as Art: The View from Space by CSSS President and NSS Space Ambassador Jim Plaxco. Using imaging data from the Landsat 8 satellite that has been processed by the presenter, the case is made that Earth itself can be considered to be a work of visual art. Briefly covered will be the geological feature identification and selection process and the image processing workflow.
Those attending the meeting will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation.

The meeting will be conducted using Zoom. The meeting access link and password will be provided in the next issue of Spacewatch – the CSSS newsletter
Please feel free to share the following image on your favorite social media platforms.

NSS CSSS HAL5 joint meeting flyer for Planet Earth as Art